Camp Juku Information Sessions


Join Mr. Paul Tazumi, Director of Camp Juku, Juku Learning Centres, and

One Red Apple Learning Organization for an evening of information,

entertainment, and prizes.

Mr. T will discuss all aspects of Camp Juku 2018, show a video of a typical day, and

answer all your questions about Camp Juku or anything academically relevant.

Mr. T has taught thousands of children over the last 20 years, and has two

sons who have been through, public, gifted, catholic, private (University of Toronto Schools), and several universities.

If you are planning to join us, you must reserve a spot.   We have limited seating.

1) Mount Joy PS (Library)  7:30-9pm                          [enter MJ]

2) Pierre Elliott Trudeau HS (Rm 163) 7:30-9pm    [enter PET]

We are hoping to schedule a date during late April or early May. We will contact you with the dates. Sorry new parents only!